Bridge of Books founder, Tricia McCarthy, is a huge advocate for getting books into the hands of kids. She has a blog called The Giving Chronicles and in her latest post, she says:

“People are always surprised to hear two things: (1) many children in this country do not have adequate access to books; and (2) kids are thrilled to receive a book.  Both are true and really not all that surprising when you think about it.

When 1 in 6 children in our country are food insecure, do we really think those same children have adequate access to books?  They don’t.

Why wouldn’t a child be thrilled to receive a book?  Books are magical.  They take you to places you’ve never been and allow your imagination to run wild.”

Read the rest of her wonderful post at the link below:

And don’t forget to vote everyday until Dec. 1st for Patty Aber and Bridge of Books! Help us win $100,000 from the NASCAR Foundation to support at-risk kids in New Jersey and beyond.