Dear Friends and Supporters,

Bridge of Books remains at a crossroads and we need your help.  

One book at a time, we are leveling the playing field by getting books into the homes and hands of as many children as possible. All children need a fair chance to succeed in school. All children need books to help develop literacy skills.  All children deserve to see themselves in books, escape and create a love of reading. And that only happens with ongoing access to books.

Our current mode of operations is tenuous at best.  We need a home and we need to hire people to run the organization.  The direct impact of the pandemic on all aspects of Bridge of Books underscores that the time has come for the volunteer-led model of the past 20 years to evolve into a sustainable business. I am asking for your financial support to help make this happen.

Despite the loss of our home during the pandemic, we are still working hard to provide books to underserved children throughout New Jersey, making an impact in big and small ways on a daily basis:

  • a young family that had only ONE book in their home received 12 books to jumpstart their home library so they too can work on reading skills 
  • thousands of displaced Afghan families living at Ft. Dix now have almost 9000 books to enjoy and improve language skills thanks to a joint effort with two other NJ non-profits
  • providing books for children attending a community vaccine clinic 

These are just three stories of children who now have books because of Bridge of Books.  All from a 10×10 storage unit. 

For all the lives we have touched, we know that there are countless children across New Jersey who still need access to the books we provide. Bridge of Books needs to exist for these children. Your support ensures that we can write the next chapter and continue giving the gift of literacy to children across NJ who need our support. 

Please take a few minutes to watch this video:

Thank you for your consideration of this request. I would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss our situation further. 

Please feel free to email!

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