We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly re-designed website.   This launch is the culmination of a months long process during which time we focused on how best to accomplish our mission and how to grow as an organization.  We think the rollout of our new vibrant and easy-to-navigate website is a giant step in the right direction.

Whether someone is looking to donate books, request books or volunteer, the site has been set up to provide all the information needed in a simple and straightforward manner.   Looking to host a book drive?  Just click on “Got Books” for step-by-step instructions.  Looking to request books for your agency?  Just click on “Need Books ?”and find out how to contact us.   Visitors can also learn more about our impact, history and news & events. We especially like the joyful pictures of children reading, because that is what we are all about — getting books into the hands of children who need them.

Stay informed by adding us to your favorites, and please sign up for our mailing list.   Vital for our growth, we can now accept financial donations online with a secure Pay Pal interface and your credit card of choice.

You can also “Like Us” on Facebook where we post our latest news regarding book donations and deliveries as well as events.  We especially like to share stories of how our donated books are transforming lives around the state.

We are ever so grateful to web designer, Cornelia Mazzan (Mazzan Design Group, LLC of Fair Haven, New Jersey) who worked with us for many months to bring our vision to colorful life.  You also may have noticed our new logo that Cornelia redesigned in keeping with the website’s eye-catching and streamlined look.

With the continued help of our supporters, the future of Bridge of Books looks as bright as our website.